ORI Srl has a long tradition in the market of the safety valves, having represented in the Italian market some of the main manufacturing companies in the world of safety valves and safety systems for the overpressure, since 40 years ago. Currently ORI Srl represents in the Italian market the products of SafetySystems Uk Ltd (previously known as IMI Bailey Birkett).
Inside SafetySystems there are two main divisions:
Birkett: Manufacturer of safety valves, spring operated, conventional or with bellows, pilot operated and thermal expansion safety valves, in compliance with API526 and sized in accordance to API520. All the products can be supplied with ASME U stamp, using certified flow coefficient as per ASME National Board “Red Book”. For the European market, the valves are supplied in accordance to PED and CE marked.
- Bailey: Producer of pressure regolators, pilot or spring operated, and safety valves for food industry, cryogenic market, clean industrial vapor and high purity gases.